11 Towel Rack Ideas For Your Bathroom

Looking for creative towel rack ideas to maximize your bathroom space? Here’s a list of ingenious hacks you can try at home to take your towel rack to the next level.

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In this article:

  1. Consider Attaching More Rods to Your Shower Curtain Rod
  2. Utilize Your Shower or Bathroom Door
  3. Use Your Wall Space
  4. Try Using a Swivel Towel Rack
  5. Get Towel Racks with Shelves
  6. Build Under-Sink Towel Racks
  7. Look for Freestanding Bathroom Towel Racks
  8. Reuse Your Old Ladder as a Towel Rack
  9. Create a Hanging Wood Towel Rack
  10. Make Use of Your Window as a Towel Rack
  11. Customize a Pipe Towel Rack

Towel Rack Ideas to Try for Your Bathroom

1. Consider Attaching More Rods to Your Shower Curtain Rod

You always use your shower curtain when you take a bath or shower, so why not make the shower curtain rod work harder? You can add one or more rods parallel to the one holding up your curtain, on the outside of the shower area.

Hanging your towels here makes it easy for you to grab them even when you’re just peeking from behind the shower curtain. Having your towels so close by when you take a bath or shower in the morning helps save time, and makes perfect sense.

2. Utilize Your Shower or Bathroom Door

Here’s another good spot for you to build a towel rack: your shower or bathroom door. Some people are already used to hanging things behind the door or in front of the bathroom shower using hooks, so this spot can certainly do more when it comes to storing towels.

Calling the large vertical space your door into service to install a towel rack is a great hack to maximize your bathroom space, or makes good use of small spaces.

3. Use Your Wall Space

Maximizing wall space using a towel rack

Your wall is a perfect spot for DIY ideas because the possibilities are endless! Attach your towel rack securely to a wall space in your bathroom you see is most convenient for you.

If you have younger kids, make sure to place the rack at medium-level so they can reach the rod whenever they hang the towel. You can even add wall art to the location if you’re creative, or choose a rack style that fits your bathroom’s aesthetic. Additionally, you can enhance the visual appeal of the wall by adding complementary elements like wall art or decorative accents around the towel rack to contribute to the overall aesthetic of your bathroom.

4. Try Using a Swivel Towel Rack

What’s great about swivel towel racks is that they have movable arms, which allows you to pivot the rod to the direction you prefer. The swivel feature also lets the other arms stay free, while one arm mounts to your wall.

This means you can use the free arms to hang other clothing items or even shower caddies, effectively creating more storage.

5. Get Towel Racks with Shelves

If you’re looking into not just hanging towels but also organizing bathroom essentials, getting a rack with integrated shelves is ideal. You can even use the shelves for keeping and displaying your clean spare towels on top while hanging your wet towels at the bottom.

This type of rack provides a multifunctional feature for your bathroom storage, giving you extra space to maintain order.

6. Build Under-Sink Towel Racks

Utilizing sink cabinet space as a towel rack

Is your cabinet door still useful for other things? Build a retractable under-sink towel rack on it! Keeping your used towels inside a cabinet creates a clean-looking space because it hides away pesky hanging swaths of cloth.

This saves you from worrying about guests who would use your bathroom and see hanging towels.

Hiding your towels also allows your guests to only use the towels you intend for them if they use your bathroom upon visiting your home.

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7. Look for Freestanding Bathroom Towel Racks

If you don’t want to go through the hassle of the handyman work required to install racks, or are renting and aren’t allowed to do so, look for a freestanding towel rack. It may consume some space in your bathroom, but you can always move them around (plus, they won’t mark your walls).

The freestanding ones are also perfect for enhancing your interior design, because there are many styles and designs you can choose from available in the market.

8. Reuse Your Old Ladder as a Towel Rack

Have an old ladder that is still in good condition? It’s time you take it out from your attic or storage room and make good use of it!

Give it life again by cleaning and re-varnishing it. You can also replace the ladder steps with an iron rod to make it a perfect rack.

If the steps are too near to each other, you can adjust them according to the length of your hanging towels. Position the ladder towel rack leaning against the wall. This is perfect for rustic or shabby-chic aesthetics!

9. Create a Hanging Wood Towel Rack

Are you a fan of Scandinavian interior design? Here’s the exact DIY towel rack you need!

What is Scandinavian aesthetic? It is known for its simplicity and minimalism, which makes it a popular choice for home improvements.

Create a wooden shelf attached to your bathroom wall and utilize the space below it as your rack.

Insert a rod in the legs of the towel rack shelf, that will serve as your towel rack. Place your shampoo, essential oils, and others on top of the shelf so you can make use of its space.

10. Make Use of Your Window as a Towel Rack

Remodel your bathroom window by adding a towel rack below it. This remodeling project is ideal for windows with old architectural touches, as they can provide a retro-with-a-modern-twist feel.

11. Customize a Pipe Towel Rack

Do you have spare, non-rusting pipes that are of no use anymore? Don’t throw them away because you can make them into something special in your bathroom.

Assemble these old pipes into a rack and attach them onto your bathroom wall. This may require more work to make, but it can serve as a sturdy towel rack.

Just make sure to thoroughly clean the pipes before use, and research on the best ways to attach this type of material properly to your wall.

Now that you have great ideas for making a towel rack, it’s time you choose from these hacks and try them in your bathroom. Make sure to select the idea that would best suit the size and design of your bathroom to achieve the bath or shower experience you deserve.

What other towel rack ideas can you share with us? Tell us in the comments section below!

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