7 Luxurious Bathroom Decor Ideas and Tips

Many of us dream of a hotel-worthy washroom, so for inspiration, here are some elegant bathroom decor ideas you might want to take a look at.

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Make Your Space Stand Out With These Bathroom Décor Tips

1. Add Life with Plants

Whether your bathroom is large or small, a few succulents would bring some vitality into it. Tropical plants thrive indoors, making them excellent bathroom décor.

One way to brighten up your space is to create a vertical garden wall with golden pothos, as these climbing plants can be hung high or draped across in any angle. Boston ferns also make an ideal addition to any vertical garden because of their adaptability and humidity resistance.

For your vanity countertop, add a bonsai tree or lucky bamboo. Potted orchids also add a pop of color to a lackluster countertop, giving it a clean and classic luxury spa finish.

Windowsills are a great place to have flowering plants like philodendrons, aloe vera, and spider plants. You can also hang an air plant on the wall or a bundle of eucalyptus branches from the ceiling for added drama.

2. Set the Mood with Lighting

When you usually move into a new home, overhead lighting is already there, so you never really get around to updating it. But, changing it is one of the easiest ways to transform your plain bathroom into a luxurious space.

For a designer look, do away with the traditional light bar above the vanity and go for a swing arm wall lamp, sconces on both sides, or LED lights hidden on alcoves. If you are looking to add the same extravagance to your freestanding bathtub, consider a chandelier, soft floor spotlights, globe pendant lights, or even an unadorned skylight.

It is also important to know which bulb to use—whether incandescent, fluorescent, or LED—because you will want your light’s quality to mimic natural light. After all, it is during daytime that the real color of your complexion, hair, and makeup are revealed.

3. Replace Old Towels and Robes with Quality Ones

Thick, fluffy towels and bath robes aren’t only for display but also for investment. Quality bathroom accessories last a long time, and give you real value for money. You’re sure to feel like you’re on a vacay when you envelop yourself in a nice robe or dry off with a quality towel — even if you’re just at home.

Matching sets are an ideal choice, and you can even change them seasonally. RobeMart offers an array of towels and robes for all genders and ages, and even offers slippers and headbands to match.

Your towels and robes need a place for hanging, so in order to avoid a messy-looking space, pretty hooks are a great small bathroom décor to have at the back of your door. Rods near the bathtub also make a practical yet classy display for your towels.

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4. Consider a Monochromatic Scheme

Create a harmonious look by refining your chosen color in a few ways. This doesn’t necessarily mean choosing one color throughout your space, but having variations of it so it does not overwhelm the room.

Use tones, shades, and tints of the same color to make your bathroom appear larger, especially if yours is a small one. Neutrals make the best monochromatic schemes, so unify them to make them more cohesive with your bathroom décor and fixtures.

If you’re leaning toward the high-end hotel style, use a light neutral paint color and pair it with white cabinets, countertops, and other accessories. You can also choose gray, as it is soothing to the eyes and matches easily with wooden finishes or silver fixtures.

Monochromatic Definition: Having or consisting of only one color or hue.

5. Elevate Your Bathing Experience with a Rain Shower and Tub

If your budget permits, go all out and put a shower and tub together. Not all homes come with both, so if what you desire is luxury, offering both will impress your guests.

The combination of both is one of the trendiest bathroom remodel choices today, replacing traditional bathing setups. If you already have both, a new waterfall-style shower head could be all that it takes to make your bathroom rival your favorite spa.

Consider incorporating elements of nature into your bathroom design to enhance the spa-like atmosphere.

What’s great about a rain shower head is it comes in different styles and designs that are tailor-made to your needs. Once installed in your bathroom’s ceiling, rinsing and washing are easy.

But, should you decide on one, make sure your tub is large enough for the “rainfall.” You do not want a flooded bathroom!

6. Go for Marble

When it comes to luxurious bathroom décor designs, marble is a top element for both classic and modern interiors. The reason for this is because of its beautiful and unique look.

Many grand hotel bathrooms have plenty of marble in sight because it adds value to the property. But if marble flooring is out of your price range, there are plenty of other ways to incorporate it in your bathroom accessories and fixtures.

One way is to have a marble vanity tray for placing sink-side items also made of marble, like toothbrush holders, tissue box covers, soap dishes, and soap pumps. You can also incorporate marble elements to your wastebasket, drawer pulls, and shower curtain hooks to transform your aesthetic from average to luxurious.

7. Get Spa-Inspired

Spas have all the luxurious elements of a relaxing and rejuvenating bath, so why not bring that vibe into your home? Have a Jacuzzi pool or even a sauna room in the comfort of your own space for a complete pampering experience.

Include pebbles, tropical plants, or reed curtains to give your bathroom a soothing spa ambiance. You can also go for a standalone tub, complete with wood slat flooring, clean walls, and a minimal bathroom décor.

To get a better hotel-spa experience, focus on scents like essential oils, bubble baths, and soaps. Having these in your bathroom can elevate your senses.

Any bathroom deserves some luxury, but it is one of the most expensive rooms in the house to renovate. Nevertheless, the results are worth it. If you want a luxe space for your home, give our bathroom décor tips a try.

Do you have bathroom decor ideas you want to share with us? Let us know in the comments section below.


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